What We Deliver:
Video USB

This is our third most popular deliverable with video. The high definition USB thumb drive. The is an excellent long term storage option. When the screw top is in place, the USB drive is waterproof.

Arlington Media Video USB Case | Arlington National Cemetery | Arlington Media, Inc.
Arlington Media Video USB Case | Arlington National Cemetery | Arlington Media, Inc.
Arlington National Cemetery Video USB Drive | Arlington Videography | Arlington media, inc.
Video USB
Arlington Media Video USB Case | Arlington National Cemetery | Arlington Media, Inc.
Arlington Media Video USB Case | Arlington National Cemetery | Arlington Media, Inc.
Arlington National Cemetery Video USB Drive | Arlington Videography | Arlington media, inc.
Video USB
Arlington National Cemetery Video USB Drive | Arlington Videography | Arlington media, inc.
Arlington Media Video USB Case | Arlington National Cemetery | Arlington Media, Inc.

First, we load all the 4K video clips from all the cameras on to a specialized powerful computer.

This computer creates proxies that makes editing easier and quicker. Also, on every service, we capture more than just video and audio. We also take notes of service details like transfer location, assigned Arlington representatives and chaplains, section number, grave location and weather conditions. We use this information for the customized titles on your video.

Arlington Media Weather Forecast | Arlington Media, Inc.
Arlington Media Video DVD Master | Arlington Media, Inc.

Then, we edit and render your video

Video editing is an art form. It can take a few hours to a few days to get it just right. We have to get all the cameras and audio recorders synced up, color balanced and corrected. We then render several different versions and sizes for DVD, Blu-rays, USBs and online versions. On average we make six different versions for each service.

Arlington Media Video DVD Master | Video Production Arlington | Arlington Media, Inc.

Behind The Scenes


Take a quick peek at what goes on in our editing suites

Next, we create a video DVD master

This is where we create all the elements that go in to a DVD, like menus, and additional clips like the changing of the guard. Grave location and military branch and rank are also on the main menu. There are links to all the different parts of the service and this allows you to quickly jump to any part of the service, like the firing party or taps. This menu will seem familiar to anyone who has used a set top DVD player plugged in to a television.  

Arlington Media Video DVD Master | Arlington Media, Inc.

Finally, we print and burn your loved ones USB drive and USB case.

This is the final stage of fulfillment before shipping. We have a specialized professional, thermal printers, that print directly to the USB using a wax resin ribbon that permanently applies our custom image to the surface of the drive and case. Thermal printing is the best option for professional looking USBs. The indelible print makes the drive durable and is ultra-sharp as it’s printed at over 600dpi.  This printing process is perfect for professional quality, small jobs with only one or two copies.

USB Drive and Case Duplicator and Printer | Arlington Media, Inc.
USB Drive and Case Duplicator and Printer
Arlington Media Video USB Case | Arlington National Cemetery | Arlington Media, Inc.
Arlington Media Video USB Case | Arlington National Cemetery | Arlington Media, Inc.

Choose Your Service Type


Service starting at
the Administration Building


Service starting at
the Administration Building


Service starting at
the Administration Building


Service starting at the Chapel,
Continuing on
to Arlington