A U.S. Veterans Motorcycle group honors a hero at Arlington National Cemetery that was buried with full honors early last month. These cyclists drove to the cemetery and stood at attention during the service and rendering of honors for their friend, a US Air Force Colonel, who dedicated his life to one of service for this country. We were so glad to be able to capture this moment for their family, friends, and daughter who serves in the Air Force as well. Arlington Media is humbled to provide services that capture these moments for generations to come.

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.arlington.media/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/a-u.s.-veterans-motorcycle-group-honors-a-hero-at-arlington-national-cemetery-that-was-buried-with-f-1.jpg” size=”large”]A U.S. Veterans Motorcycle group honors a hero at Arlington National Cemetery that was buried with full honors early last month.  These cyclists drove to the cemetery and stood at attention during the service and rendering of honors for their friend, a US Air Force Colonel, who dedicated his life to one of service for this country.

We were so glad to be able to capture this moment for their family, friends, and daughter who serves in the Air Force as well.  Arlington Media is humbled to provide services that capture these moments for generations to come.