Full honors funerals that begin at the Old Post Chapel involve a majestic display of military honors and precision outside the walls of the chapel in preparation for the presentation and moving of the remains inside the chapel walls. At the beginning of the service, the family is seated inside, at which time, the honor guard marches into position and the US Army Band (or appropriate band based on branch of service) plays a song while the remains are transferred into the Chapel. The nuances of the Honor Guard’s mission set outside the chapel is humbling. The escort element lowers their sabers within inches of the ground, the band performs a perfection rendition of an American classic, and the flag is folded on the corners as the casket enters the building are a mere fraction of the amount of reverence these soldiers hold for the veterans they bury every day. As the service begins, the family’s attention shifts, but the @arlingtonmedia team prides itself on capturing as many moments as possible, through as many lenses, with as much discretion as we can muster to keep the focus on the family and your loved one, instead of on our team. Moments just like this, are but a few that we capture in our full galleries delivered to families to remember the service of their esteemed loved one. Here, the leader of the US Army Band holds their baton in the air as the members raise their instruments and drumsticks before beginning to conduct the band in honoring a fallen veteran at a service three weeks ago. We are honored to do the work that we do, and it would be our pleasure to speak with you further about immortalizing your loved one’s service through photographic and video media to outlast a lifetime.

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.arlington.media/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/full-honors-funerals-that-begin-at-the-old-post-chapel-involve-a-majestic-display-of-military-honors-1.jpg” size=”large”]Full honors funerals that begin at the Old Post Chapel involve a majestic display of military honors and precision outside the walls of the chapel in preparation for the presentation and moving of the remains inside the chapel walls.  At the beginning of the service, the family is seated inside, at which time, the honor guard marches into position and the US Army Band (or appropriate band based on branch of service) plays a song while the remains are transferred into the Chapel.

The nuances of the Honor Guard's mission set outside the chapel is humbling.  The escort element lowers their sabers within inches of the ground, the band performs a perfection rendition of an American classic, and the flag is folded on the corners as the casket enters the building are a mere fraction of the amount of reverence these soldiers hold for the veterans they bury every day.

As the service begins, the family's attention shifts, but the @arlingtonmedia team prides itself on capturing as many moments as possible, through as many lenses, with as much discretion as we can muster to keep the focus on the family and your loved one, instead of on our team.  Moments just like this, are but a few that we capture in our full galleries delivered to families to remember the service of their esteemed loved one. 

Here, the leader of the US Army Band holds their baton in the air as the members raise their instruments and drumsticks before beginning to conduct the band in honoring a fallen veteran at a service three weeks ago.  We are honored to do the work that we do, and it would be our pleasure to speak with you further about immortalizing your loved one's service through photographic and video media to outlast a lifetime.