Waiting in the funeral coach with Anthony from @everlywheatleyfh while a rain shower passes. Getting ready to cover the dignified arrival of Maj. Harvey Storms at Washington National with the @usarmy ‘s @usarmyoldguard Bravo company. Maj. Storms was declared KIA in 1953. His remains were returned in 2018. He will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery later this week with full honors.

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.arlington.media/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/waiting-in-the-funeral-coach-with-anthony-from-@everlywheatleyfh-while-a-rain-shower-passes.-getting-1.jpg” size=”large”]Waiting in the funeral coach with Anthony from @everlywheatleyfh while a rain shower passes. Getting ready to cover the dignified arrival of Maj. Harvey Storms at Washington National with the @usarmy ‘s @usarmyoldguard  Bravo company. Maj. Storms was declared KIA in 1953. His remains were returned in 2018. He will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery later this week with full honors.