The US Army Caisson team pulls the honored remains of a fallen veteran in the rain through Arlington National Cemetery to their final resting place. Six of the horses pull a flag draped casket on a black artillery caisson. Both Soldiers and horses are conscious that this is a serious and solemn final mission. They have the honor of carrying a comrade for his last ride to Arlington National Cemetery, where he will rest in peace with other honored soldiers. The solemn dignity which the riders and horses lend to this ceremony is neither accidental nor instinctive. Soldiers and horses train constantly for this duty. They are members of the Caisson platoon of the 3d United States Infantry “The Old Guard.”

[igp-video src=”” poster=”” size=”large”]The US Army Caisson team pulls the honored remains of a fallen veteran in the rain through Arlington National Cemetery to their final resting place.

Six of the horses pull a flag draped casket on a black artillery caisson. Both Soldiers and horses are conscious that this is a serious and solemn final mission.  They have the honor of carrying a comrade for his last ride to Arlington National Cemetery, where he will rest in peace with other honored soldiers.

The solemn dignity which the riders and horses lend to this ceremony is neither accidental nor instinctive. Soldiers and horses train constantly for this duty. They are members of the Caisson platoon of the 3d United States Infantry "The Old Guard."