Today is Military Spouse Appreciation Day. While soldiers carry and safeguard the flag at home and overseas, it is their spouses that hold down the fort and keep their families safe while waiting patiently for their return. Today we honor the contributions and sacrifices made by military spouses. Their commitment and support help to keep our country safe. Military spouses are silent heroes, essential to the strength of the nation. From the White House: As the members of our Armed Forces safeguard our Nation at home and around the world, they depend on the people they love for strength, comfort, joy, and stability. Military spouses may not always wear a uniform, but they serve and sacrifice alongside their service members and keep our military strong. On Military Spouse Appreciation Day, we recognize and thank the military spouses who serve our Nation and are critical to our national security. Military families are proud of the lives they build. Spouses understand that loving a service member means facing the challenges that can accompany their service: from leaving friends behind to changing jobs again; making parenting decisions alone to losing sleep at night; deployments to homecomings to more deployments. Still, military spouses have done what they do best: adapt, persevere, and keep going. When someone you love is hurting, you hurt with them. When your spouse is at home, trying to make ends meet, or is torn between taking care of your children and keeping a job, your heart breaks too. Service members cannot focus on their mission if their families do not have what they need to thrive at home, and we cannot expect to retain even the most dedicated service members if they are forced to choose between their love of country and the hopes and dreams they have for their families. That is why supporting military spouses is critical to keeping our Nation safe. On Military Spouse Appreciation Day, we recognize the importance of empowering spouses and ensuring they have the necessary tools and resources to thrive in all facets of their lives, including in the community, in the workforce, and at home. Photo: Sandy Scheffer-Hopkins/Arlington Media

[igp-video src=”” poster=”” size=”large”]Today is Military Spouse Appreciation Day. While soldiers carry and safeguard the flag at home and overseas, it is their spouses that hold down the fort and keep their families safe while waiting patiently for their return. 

Today we honor the contributions and sacrifices made by military spouses. Their commitment and support help to keep our country safe. Military spouses are silent heroes, essential to the strength of the nation. 

From the White House:

As the members of our Armed Forces safeguard our Nation at home and around the world, they depend on the people they love for strength, comfort, joy, and stability.  Military spouses may not always wear a uniform, but they serve and sacrifice alongside their service members and keep our military strong.  On Military Spouse Appreciation Day, we recognize and thank the military spouses who serve our Nation and are critical to our national security.

Military families are proud of the lives they build.  Spouses understand that loving a service member means facing the challenges that can accompany their service:  from leaving friends behind to changing jobs again; making parenting decisions alone to losing sleep at night; deployments to homecomings to more deployments.  Still, military spouses have done what they do best:  adapt, persevere, and keep going.

When someone you love is hurting, you hurt with them.  When your spouse is at home, trying to make ends meet, or is torn between taking care of your children and keeping a job, your heart breaks too.  Service members cannot focus on their mission if their families do not have what they need to thrive at home, and we cannot expect to retain even the most dedicated service members if they are forced to choose between their love of country and the hopes and dreams they have for their families.  That is why supporting military spouses is critical to keeping our Nation safe.

On Military Spouse Appreciation Day, we recognize the importance of empowering spouses and ensuring they have the necessary tools and resources to thrive in all facets of their lives, including in the community, in the workforce, and at home.

Photo: Sandy Scheffer-Hopkins/Arlington Media