We mourn their loss this day this year. Those now with God, no danger near⠀ ⠀ So many loved ones left do stand. Confronting loss throughout our land⠀ ⠀ My heart goes out to those who do. No one can fathom what they view⠀ ⠀ I firmly pray for peace of mind. Dear God please help each one to find⠀ ⠀ And to our soldiers now at war. God guide above, at sea, on shore⠀ ⠀ They are the best, I have no doubt. Our country’s pride, complete, devout⠀ ⠀ The finest force you’ll ever see. All freedom grown through liberty⠀ ⠀ One final thought comes clear to me. For what must live in infamy⠀ ⠀ Absolutely – We’ll Remember. The Eleventh – Of September⠀ ⠀ – Roger J. Robicheau

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.arlington.media/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/we-mourn-their-loss-this-day-this-year.-those-now-with-god-no-danger-near⠀-⠀-so-many-loved-ones-1-1.jpg” size=”large”]We mourn their loss this day this year. Those now with God, no danger near⠀
So many loved ones left do stand. Confronting loss throughout our land⠀
My heart goes out to those who do. No one can fathom what they view⠀
I firmly pray for peace of mind. Dear God please help each one to find⠀
And to our soldiers now at war. God guide above, at sea, on shore⠀
They are the best, I have no doubt. Our country’s pride, complete, devout⠀
The finest force you’ll ever see. All freedom grown through liberty⠀
One final thought comes clear to me. For what must live in infamy⠀
Absolutely – We’ll Remember. The Eleventh – Of September⠀
- Roger J. Robicheau